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Oct 25, 2022


2 min. read

Climate Justice at Carbon Direct: Embedding Equity Into Our Company’s End-to-End Carbon Management Solutions



Oct 25, 2022


2 min. read

Climate Justice at Carbon Direct: Embedding Equity Into Our Company’s End-to-End Carbon Management Solutions



Oct 25, 2022


2 min. read

Climate Justice at Carbon Direct: Embedding Equity Into Our Company’s End-to-End Carbon Management Solutions

Photo of Dr. Christian Braneon presenting at a conference
Photo of Dr. Christian Braneon presenting at a conference
Photo of Dr. Christian Braneon presenting at a conference

Addressing the climate crisis requires more than removing and managing carbon from the atmosphere. It requires a robust multi-sector response that not only acknowledges past and present impacts of climate change, but also recognizes that those who have contributed least to climate change and emissions are often impacted the most.

Climate action needs to be underpinned by the best science and an unwavering commitment to environmental and climate justice. That is why we are focused on integrating climate justice into Carbon Direct’s culture, operations, and services across the carbon management industry. We are building on existing work from our Criteria for High-Quality Carbon Removal, where we outlined environmental justice guidance for project developers in partnership with Microsoft, to embed climate justice in all elements of our work streams. This continues with the hiring of Dr. Christian Braneon as our Head of Climate Justice.

Dr. Braneon will lead efforts to sharpen guidance on elements of carbon project quality intersecting with environmental and climate justice, advance internal anti-greenwashing client screening, integrate environmental justice metrics into Carbon Direct's end-to-end software platform, and strengthen and deepen environmental and climate justice training for clients.

"We see a tremendous opportunity for climate action to be restorative and advance equity. As we take action to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, it is critical that we stay focused on achieving equitable outcomes – which is why I’m excited to join the team."

Dr. Braneon brings extensive experience to Carbon Direct as a climate justice thought leader in climate science and civil engineering. He co-leads the Environmental Justice and Climate Just Cities Network at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, serves as Co-Chair of the New York City Panel on Climate Change, and sits on the newly formed center for Climate Solutions’ Advisory Committee, which was established to further New York City’s efforts to respond to the climate crisis. Prior to joining Carbon Direct, Dr. Braneon served as a climate scientist in the Climate Impacts Group of NASA GISS and as Co-Director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s inaugural Environmental Justice Academy for community leaders.

We are thrilled to have Dr. Braneon join our multidisciplinary team of scientists and market experts, as he understands the importance of bringing together data-driven, science-based strategies with meaningful community engagement. His climate science and climate justice expertise will be invaluable as we work to further embed equity into our company’s end-to-end carbon management solutions.

Hear more from Dr. Braneon on his vision for climate justice in carbon management in his interview with Michelle Ma from Protocol Climate.


Environmental & Climate Justice

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