Science-based targets, insetting, policy insights, and more
2 min. read
Last updated Jun 24, 2024
Science-based targets, insetting, and policy insights
Welcome to the Q2 2024 Carbon Direct update. Read on to learn more about new and enhanced solutions offerings to help your organization set, track, and deliver on your climate goals.
Target setting
Establish a science-based target based on your unique footprint and goals
Setting a science-based target is an important step in every climate strategy to create organizational alignment and track progress. Aligning the realities of your business to the requirements of organizations like SBTi can make it a difficult task. Our new emissions target setting solution helps guide you through the process of creating a science-aligned target pursuant to your unique footprint and climate goals.
You’ll work directly with our team of experts throughout the process—discussing goals, understanding the nuances of target-setting, and reviewing recommended target options. Your targets will be easily accessible on a dashboard in the Carbon Direct Platform, along with all of your emissions footprint data, making it easier to track and communicate your goals.

Work with our team to set the right science-based decarbonization targets for your organization.
Work with our team to build an insetting strategy as part of your broader carbon management efforts
Insetting is a way to take action to reduce emissions and increase removals within your own value chain. Today, most corporate insetting strategies focus on regenerative agricultural practices like improved forest management and agroforestry.
Carbon Direct provides the scientific, forestry, and carbon market expertise to help organizations with complex supply chains reduce and remove supply chain emissions through insetting. With our extensive experience in nature-based solutions, landscape decarbonization, biodiversity, and supply chain mitigation, our science team is uniquely qualified to partner with organizations in building a credible insetting strategy and implementation roadmap to support climate commitments with accurate and rigorous accounting. Our services include supply chain footprinting, hotspot mapping, strategy development, and ongoing MRV and impact reporting.
Explore our insetting services ->
Scope 2 market-based emissions
Understand and track the impact of your energy certificate purchases on your footprint
In addition to visualizing and tracking location-based Scope 2 emissions, the Carbon Direct Platform now reflects indirect energy emissions reductions from energy certificates.
In alignment with the GHG Protocol, market-based emissions enables companies to include their renewable energy purchases when accounting for their greenhouse gas emissions. This helps reduce their Scope 2 (purchased electricity) and Scope 3.3 (fuel and energy related activities) emissions and allows for a more precise measurement of climate impact by accounting for purchases of renewable energy contracts.
With this information, Carbon Direct clients can streamline both voluntary and mandatory reporting on Scope 2 emissions and emissions reductions.
Learn more about our carbon accounting solutions ->

Toggle between location-based and market-based charts to explore energy certificate purchases’ impact on your emissions.
Policy tracking and insights
Stay up to date on SBTi’s beyond value chain mitigation guidance and climate disclosure laws
Our policy team closely follows and analyzes the latest climate policies and regulations in the United States, Europe, and globally to help customers interpret potential impacts on their business and climate strategy.
New guidance from the SBTi has left many organizations with questions about how it affects their climate strategy. Our policy experts help sustainability leaders understand how to adopt a beyond the value chain mitigation (BVCM) strategy, how to incorporate carbon dioxide removal, and more.
Read the blog and watch the webinar ->
Climate disclosure requirements, including California's AB 1305: Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures and the EU’s Greenwashing Directive, continue to evolve. Our team of experts also recently shared insights on climate communication best practices, risk mitigation, and the key questions climate leaders need to answer to comply.
Navigating Carbon Credit Communication and Climate Disclosure Laws ->
Track the reason for each purchase
Assign and organize carbon credit orders
Many of our customers have multiple carbon removal purchases tied to different events, campaigns, or time periods. It’s important to label and organize these purchases for tracking and reporting.
When you purchase credits on the Carbon Direct Platform, you can now label and assign each order and seamlessly track the reason for the purchase. The name will appear on your purchase order as well as the Removals tracking section of the Carbon Direct Platform, and can be edited at any time.

Easily organize and keep track of your carbon removal credit purchases.
Customized climate services for your business
Carbon Direct works with clients to customize solutions to meet their specific climate goals. Explore examples of our custom carbon management services and get in touch with our team to learn more.