Why Carbon Direct?




Shirin Mavandad

Shirin Mavandad

Research Associate

Biodiversity + Soil Carbon + Environmental Science & Policy + Climate-smart Agriculture

Shirin uses her experience in nature based solutions and data analysis to support advisory work on carbon reduction and carbon removal. As a research associate at Carbon Direct, Shirin works with clients to analyze carbon market opportunities and risks to make informed decisions on decarbonization strategies.

Shirin has a diverse professional background spanning nature based solutions, energy policy, and data analysis. Before joining Carbon Direct, she worked as a Research Associate for CLASP where she conducted policy research on the efficiency and accessibility of household appliances across an international landscape. Prior to CLASP, she also worked at Indufor North America where she supported client-based consulting work relating to landscape conservation and forestry. During her time in undergrad, Shirin also worked in the UC Davis SCOW lab where she facilitated research on enhancing the carbon sequestration properties of agricultural soils.


B.S. Environmental Policy & Planning
University of California, Davis